Have you ever found yourself wishing things would just go back to normal? It's a prayer we pray in stressful times. While there's nothing wrong with praying for things to simply to be ok, I wonder if it is a short sighted request of an all powerful God.
I recently had a light bulb moment with my counselor. He taught me that emotions aren't positive or negative. The behaviors that we allow to manifest in response to our emotions are what become positive or negative. Emotions are God given to help us interpret what's happening physically, mentally, and spiritually.
My tendency when facing difficult emotions is to try and escape back to some sense of what used to be normal. If all I ever do is avoid pain, then I could miss out on learning to deepen my faith.
Maybe the very struggle you're facing was allowed by God to cause you to come closer and increase your reliance upon him. If that's the case, then there's a good chance he may want your life to not just normalize in circumstance, but to become enriched in him.
If you're going through a painful season, don't look for the easy way out. Embrace the opportunity to depend on God in ways you wouldn't have if things indeed were back to normal.
Give us gladness in proportion to our former misery! Replace the evil years with good. Psalm 90:15 NLT
Think about your most miserable moment. Is normal the proportionate gladness? I don't think so. I think it's abundance. What if he wants more for you than "business as usual"?